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Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Web Server Debian 6

Web server digunakan untuk meletakkan halaman Web agar bisa dilihat oleh computer dalam jaringan menggunakan Web Browser. Kita akan membangun web server menggunakan Apache Apache memerlukan DNS server. Proses resolve (konversi) hostname menjadi IP Address dilakukan oleh DNS server.


Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut: 
1. Masuk ke system operasi Linux Debian 6 
2. Kemudian masukkan DVD Debian , karena semua paket software debian terdapat pada DVD atau agan dapat mendownload softwarenya melalui website debian, klik disini

3. Pilih Application -> Accessories -> Root Terminal

4. Masukkan Root Password
5. Tekan enter

6. Muncul tampilan terminal

7. Langsung agan ketikkan apt-cdrom add
8. Setelah berhasil membaca dvd debian 6

9. Agan ketikkan apt-get install apache2

10. Ketik y

11. Selesai menginstall paket software, ketikkan lagi nano /var/www/index.html

12. Edit atau tambahkan script html lainnya ingin agan tambahkan di dalam file index.html
13. Untuk menyimpan konfigurasi agan ketik ctrl+x secara bersamaan

14. Ketik y

15. Tekan enter

16. Lalu restart paket software apache2 dengan mengetikkan /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

17. Restart yang berhasil akan muncul tulisan Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting

18. Kemudian cek dahulu web server dengan aplikasi web browser yang ada di linux, saya menggunakan aplikasi Iceweasel Web Browser

19. Pada kolom URL ketikkan domain yang agan miliki dan lihat hasilnya.


FTP adalah File Transfer Protocol (FTP) adalah suatu protokol yang berfungsi untuk tukar-menukar file dalam suatu network yang menggunakan TCP koneksi bukan UDP. Dua hal yang penting dalam FTP adalah FTP Server dan FTP Client. FTP server adalah suatu server yang menjalankan software yang berfungsi untuk memberikan layanan tukar menukar file dimana server tersebut selalu siap memberikan layanan FTP apabila mendapat permintaan (request) dari FTP client. FTP client adalah computer yang merequest koneksi ke FTP server untuk tujuan tukar menukar file. Setelah terhubung dengan FTP server, maka client dapat men-download, meng-upload, merename, men-delete, dll sesuai dengan permission yang diberikan oleh FTP server.

Cara menginstall FTP Server
- Ketik Perintah apt-get install proftpd
  akan muncul form pilihan dan pilih sebagai berikut : 
  Jalankan proftpd : standalone 

- Ketik Perintah  nano /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf 

  Cari script berikut dan hilangkan tanda crass (#) pada script tersebut
  <Anonymous ~ftp>
  User      ftp
  Group   nongroup
  DirFakeUser on ftp
  DirFakeGroup on ftp
  RequireValidShell     off
  Maxclients    10
  DisplayLogin  messeggee.msg
  DisplayChdir   .messegge
  </Anonymous ~ftp>

- Simpan konfigurasi dengan menekan ctrl+O kemudian tekan ctrl+X untuk keluar
- Ketik perintah  /etc/init.d/proftpd restart
- Masuk ke directory ftp, ketik perintah cd /home/ftp
- Buat dua directory, yaitu download dan upload, ketik perintah mkdir upload download
- Ketik perintah chmod 777 upload
- Ketik perintah chmod 755 download

Kemudian coba buka browser anda dan ketikan ftp://"nama domain anda" (tanpa tanda petik ),   setelah itu akan muncu dua directory yang anda buat tadi. Anda sekarang sudah bisa mendownload atau upload file dari server anda.


Artikel ini akan membahas tentang cara Konfigurasi DNS server pada Linux Debian..
Hal yang harus kita ketahui untuk membuat DNS server file yang harus di konfigurasi pada linux yaitu bernama : named.conf. Edit file ini untuk mengkonfigurasi DNS Server.. Dengan IP server
cara seperti berikut :

    Agar FIle named.conf bisa di edit paket debian yang harus kita install adalah paket bind atau named dengan cara :

              server@root #apt-get install bind9

    setelah terinstalla cari file named.conf dengan cara :

              server@root #locate named.conf

    Setelah itu edit file tersebut dengan perintah :

             server@root #mcedit /etc/bind/named.conf.local

    lalu tambahkan konfigurasi di bawah kedalamnya :

              zone "" {
                         type master;
                         file "/etc/bind/zones/";
              zone "" {
                         type master;
                         file "/etc/bind/zones/";

    Setelah itu Copy file /etc/bind/db.local dengan nama /etc/bind/zones/ dan file /etc/bind/db.127 dengan nama /etc/bind/zones/ dengan cara :
    server@root #cp /etc/bind/db.local  /etc/bind/zones/

             server@root #cp /etc/bind/db.127  /etc/bind/zones/

     Lalu edit kedua file tadi seperi dibawah ini :

              server@root #mcedit /etc/bind/
               $TTL 604800
               @ IN SOA (
                                                           1 ; Serial
                                                604800 ; Refresh
                                                  86400 ; Retry
                                              2419200 ; Expire
                                               604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
               @          IN     NS        # di ganti dengan nama domain yang anda gunakan
               @          IN     A               # ganti ip yang anda gunakan
               www        IN    CNAME               @

               server@root #mcedit /etc/bind/
               $TTL 604800
               @ IN SOA (
                                                           1 ; Serial
                                                604800 ; Refresh
                                                  86400 ; Retry
                                              2419200 ; Expire
                                               604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
               @          IN     NS        # di ganti dengan nama domain yang anda gunakan
               1         IN     PTR        # di ganti dengan ip anda

     Setelah itu edit file /etc/resolv.conf seperti dibawah ini :

              server@root #mcedit /etc/resolv.conf


    Reload paket bind dengan cara berikut :

             server@root #/etc/init.d/bind restart

     9. Cek Apakah DNS yan ada Buat Berkerja


Source List Linux Di Indonesia

Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot 11.10
deb oneiric main restricted universe multiverse deb oneiric-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb oneiric-security main restricted universe multiverse
Ubuntu Natty Narwhal 11.04
deb natty main restricted universe multiverse deb natty-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb natty-security main restricted universe multiverse
Debian Wheezy
deb wheezy main contrib non-free deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10
deb maverick main restricted universe multiverse deb maverick-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb maverick-security main restricted universe multiverse
Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04
deb lucid main restricted universe multiverse deb lucid-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb lucid-security main restricted universe multiverse
Opensuse 11.0,11.1,11.2
zypper sa[versi]/repo/oss/ oss zypper sa[versi]/repo/non-oss/ non-oss zypper sa[versi]/ packman [versi] = 11.0 || 11.1 || 11.2
Debian Squeeze
deb squeeze main contrib non-free deb squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
Debian Sid
deb sid main contrib non-free deb sid/updates main contrib non-free
Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 LTS
deb hardy main restricted universe multiverse deb hardy-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb hardy-security main restricted universe multiverse
Centos 5.0
#cd /etc/yum.repos.d #vi - isikan teks berikut [] name=Repo BUAYA for RHEL/ CentOS 5 baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= - import GPG-KEY pakai RPM: #rpm --import

Monday, 22 July 2013

History of Linux

Linux is the name given to the Unix computer operating system. Linux is one example of the development of free software and open source principal. Like the free software and other open source in general, Linux source code can be modified, used and redistributed freely by anyone. 

The name "Linux" comes from the name of the manufacturer, which was introduced in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Systems, equipment systems and libraries usually come from the GNU operating system, which was announced in 1983 by Richard Stallman. The GNU contribution is the basis for the emergence of an alternative name GNU / Linux. 

Linux has long been known for its use in servers, and backed by leading computer companies such as Intel, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Novell, Oracle Corporation, Red Hat, and Sun Microsystems. Linux is used as the operating system for a wide variety of computer hardware, including desktop computers, supercomputers, and embedded systems such as electronic book readers, video game systems (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 and XBox), cell phones and router. Analysts believe the success of information technology Linux because Linux does not depend on the vendor (vendor independence), low operating costs, and high compatibility compared to non-free versions of UNIX, as well as the safety factor and high stability compared to other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows. These characteristics are also a testament to the excellence model of open source software development (open source software).Linux operating system known as Linux distributions (Linux distribution) or Linux distributions generally include supporting software tools such as web servers, programming languages, databases, desktop (desktop environment) such as GNOME, KDE and Xfce also has an office suite (office suite) as, KOffice, Abiword, Gnumeric and LibreOffice.

Definition linux

Definition the LINUX?????

Linux is a UNIX-based operating system that can run on a variety of hardware, especially on Intel x86-based PCs. Said to be based on UNIX because Linux is developed by the standards of Unix and the same ability with UNIX. It means that Linux has the ability both as a server or workstation like UNIX.

At first it would run only on Intel x86 platforms including AMD Cyrix and others. But along with the growing number of Linux users and developers so now Linux has been running well on MacIntosh (Motorola), Sun Sparc, DEC Alpha, Amiga, StrongARM and much more.

Linux development is strongly supported by the license used by Linux is the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). In brief, the GNU General Public License allows an application (including the operating system) to be freely used and distributed where users / beneficiaries are entitled to receive a code origin software (source code) of the application and all rights are allowed by the original author.

The application can be modified and used in other applications where the license of the application changes / new fixed on the GNU GPL. The original author is only responsible for the original code and is not responsible for the implications of the changes made on the application. Dissemination of applications that have been revamped still include the original author, the original code, the code changes are added and others responsible for these changes.

With the GPL does not mean not allow commercial, not least the cost can be drawn from the distribution medium coffee costs. Services such as technical support services to a commercial product.